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Analytics in the publication of a scientific journal


It is shown that the analysis of editorial and publishing processes helps to estimate the time of passing manuscripts in the editorial office of a scientific journal and to control the contractor when performing technical work on literary editing and layout of articles in the journal. For analytics, the apparatus of probability theory and mathematical statistics is used, as well as time series for predicting the dynamics of incoming articles and predicting the prospects for their publication. Based on the results obtained, it is shown that the study of time indicators of the processes of arrival and acceptance of articles for publication, reviewing, literary editing, layout and distribution and receipt of license agreements allows you to plan the work on the filling of articles in journal issues for the year ahead, monitor the work of reviewers on the examination of articles sent to them and manage the contractor preparing issues for publication, when performing technical work. All the considered analytical methods are available for use by the editors of the scientific journal. To simplify the compilation and work with the proposed analytics tools, we recommend software for working with spreadsheets.

About the Author

D. Yu. Bolshakov
Almaz – Antey Air and Space Defence Corporation
Russian Federation
Denis Yu. Bolshakov, Cand. Sci. (Eng.), Head of the Department of Scientific and Technical Issues and Special Projects of the Office of the Director General, Almaz – Antey Air and Space Defence Corporation, JSC, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of “Almaz – Antey”Moscow


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For citations:

Bolshakov D.Yu. Analytics in the publication of a scientific journal. Science Editor and Publisher. 2020;5(2):102-112.

Views: 974

ISSN 2542-0267 (Print)
ISSN 2541-8122 (Online)